Malaysia 🍲
OC Trading Cards Event

This is an archive for the unofficial event organized for Malaysian con artists where everybody who is attending can trade cards of their original characters! Whether you are a regular attendee or artist alley boother, we welcome all OC content!Next Event: CAFKL 2024You can see an example of the trading card to the right!
Interested?? Check out the tabs above for more information below as well as how to join! πŸ₯˜
Please remember to follow the rules and be respectful.If you have any questions or comments, feel free to hop on over to the Discord and ping @beansprouts, @illytto or @probabilitybunny!(template made by illy woo thank u illy)

information πŸ₯¬

This is an OC trading card event for Malaysians inspired by alli.en's Aussie OC Trading Card Project!We love our original characters (AND WE WANT TO PROMOTE MORE OC CONTENT IN CONS) and so the main idea is to print out these mini "trading cards" of your OCs and then trade them with other people participating in the event! So everyone ends up getting a neat collection of other ppls OC cards as well as your own!Anyone and everyone is encouraged to join, you don't need to be tabling at the convention!If you are just an attendee and worry about not being able to find other people to trade with, we recommend joining the Discord to find your new friends! Alternatively, check out the spreadsheet to find out locations and previews of everyone else's cards.If you're boothing you can even put a small table sign up to let people know you're participating~!-
Some frequently asked questions:
Must I be boothing in the event to join?
No! As long as you're attending, you're welcome to join.
Can I use my own template?
No. Please use the template provided in this link
Can I sell my OC card?
No, you may not. This project is intended to be one that's fun and free. If you would like to sell OC-themed trading cards, please create your own layout and template.
You can, however, give your OC cards away as gifts.
Can I have more than one OC on the card?
Yes, but you should only have a maximum of 3 OCs in one card.
Can I have more than one OC card?
Yes, but also keep in mind of your budget!
Can I use an OC image I commissioned?
Yes. Please remember to include the artist at the back of the card.
Must it only be humanoid OCs?
No. All OCs that comply with our rules (No NSFW or offensive designs) are welcome.
My OC's lore/design may not be as polished. Can I still join?
How many cards should I print?
The amount is up to you. Please print a suitable amount for you to trade with others.
How can I trade?
Please refer to this spreadsheet CLICK HERE on how to find the other members of this group. Please also include where you might be during the event.
Can I trade for more than one card?
Trades need not be 1 card to 1 card. If both trading parties are willing you can exchange however many you want (ie. I give Kerja 3 of my cards for 1 of theirs)
Can I print the cards myself?

how to make your own card 🦐

here's an example for the trading cards using the template starring the beautiful ✨nae✨!!our theme for the trading cards is FOOD FLAVOURS so think about what kind of "type" ur oc would be! are they salty, sweet or sour? cook up some kind of convoluted rock-paper-scissors with your collected trading cards for fun with our theme!feel free to edit the template to your tastes, but here is a breakdown of the PSD template:

download the template HERE
the fonts are century gothic regular & dk longreach regular, both otf/ttf files are included in the template link above!

but how do i make it irl? 😱

the dimensions of the trading card size is 6.4x8.9cm standard trading card size!
you can print out your own at home and glue the front/back together yourself! or order it from a printing shop, whatever is the most accessible option for you! some suggestions for those based in the klang valley:

Copy & Print Kota Damansara art card50pc/20pcRM25/ RM12
Global Repro
Colorific Print
Mummy @ IG-50pc/20pcRM31/RM16.40
Imprint Card50pcRM15

alternatively, you can look for printer on shopee as well. whatever works!!

rules πŸ‰

1. No hate/offensive content on your card2. No explicit content (a little bit of spice is OK, but keep it SFW!)3. Make sure to credit the designer/artist if the artwork on the card was not made by you!4. Fandom OCs and non-humanoid OCs are totally OK and welcome too!! Have a little frog scrunkle as an OC? Go ahead!5. No AI art. You will be blacklisted.6. Don't use other people's OCs without permission!7. Have fun, don't hate on other people's artwork and OCs.
Be nice!!!
8. Please do not sell your OC cards. This is a wish from the template designer, kindly respect it. We just want to keep this a free, for-fun event!9. Trades need not be 1 card to 1 card. If both trading parties are willing you can exchange however many you want (ie. I give Kerja 3 of my cards for 1 of theirs)